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Spiritual Heritage Discussion Questions Spiritual Heritage Discussion Questions

   Discussion: Spiritual Heritage Discussion Questions
Bishop Anthony D. Jones · 8 years, 7 months ago

1.  Do you know your spiritual heritage? 

2.  Why is this important

3.  Read II Kings 2:13.  What is a mantle?


Linda Dredden Back · 8 years, 7 months ago
1. Yes I know my spiritual heritage. I come from a long line of pastors, intercessors, and a host of other things. 2. It is very important to know your heritage, so you know who you are and what you may become. 3. Mantle, could also mean anointing. Elisha, pick up the mantle/anointing,legacy, heritage the Elijah dropped or impart ed or imputed to Elisha.
Veronica Moody-Smalls · 8 years, 7 months ago
Do you no your spiritual heritage ...yes My spiritual heritage come from my mother and father but when you come to Christ we become God family we are no longer ordinary people so we take on God character and his heritage along with who is covering us such as Apostle, Bishop,Pastor ect.....Why is it important to know: cause some of us have a super natural Heritage which come from God alone ,we need accountability,wisdom, and insight for our Kingdom Advancement.......What is a mantle----- A outer cloak,a covering ,,some see it as a symbol of the Holy spirit, ,you can reference 2 King 13,14 were it talk about how Elijah was instructed to go and Anoint Elisha with his anointing which Change his life forever .
Quintin Williford · 8 years, 7 months ago
1. Yes I know my spiritual heritage.2. Knowing your spiritual hertiage is very important to be able to have a track record of where you come from.3. A mantle is a covering that represents spiritual authority and anointing.
Andre C. Mills · 8 years, 7 months ago
1. Yes I know my spiritual heritage. 2 to me knowing your spiritual heritage is very important to be able to tell people where you come from and it's always good to know too because then you will understand how you flow and why something's u do come from.  3. A mantle is a covering that represent spiritual authority and anointing that was passed down to you by either laying on of hands or spoken over your life by somebody you walked under or somebody you have served in the office God is calling you in.   
Kayla Dredden · 8 years, 6 months ago
 I know some of my spiritual heritage. There are many minsters, pastors, and intercessors. It is something that I've within the last couple years or so to know and I plan to find out more. It is important to know your spiritual heritage  because it gives a good indication of what gifts are already in your blood line and it can also serve as guidance. A mantle is, in literal terms like a cloak, and spiritually represents the covering of whomever teaching/protection/anointing one is under.
Carolyn Smalls · 8 years, 6 months ago
1. Yes I no my spiritual heritage. My background is Baptist and my parents were believer and my mother was a active member of her church for 45 years or more, I was baptize at the age of 15.There was no minister of the gospel back then but there are several now. It's very important to know your heritage so you can better understand where you'll you are going and who in your family went before you if there be anyone.. I thank God for my mantle it is because of these awesome young men of God that I'm finally at the age I am beginning to grow as a Christian. It's very important to have a good mantle, someone to cover you, and sow into your life spirtual and push you out your comfort zone.....Without this you can grow in Christian but the process will be slow.

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